miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

The Bear Inn in Oxford

Oxford is one of the most important universities in the world. For many years, the English elite has studied in its classrooms. This town shocked me for its beauty and magic atmosphere. It is one of those places where English fog becomes the ideal décor to the stone buidings.
Obviously, students frequented (as they still do) public houses after their classes. One of them was The Bear Inn, which already existed in the XV century. The curious thing is that it has got a collection of hundreds of ties given by the students in exchange for half a pint of beer. The lanlord started it in 1952.
I wonder if this tradition still exists because people don't use to wear ties nowadays.
I think it is a very interesting curiosity. I have always thought that the only solution when you don't have any money is doing the washing up.
This pub makes part of the spirit of Oxford, I can't help imagining J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S Lewis or Lewis Carrol writing the adventures of the protagonists of their novels sitting here.
I was in Oxford in 2008 but the photo is not mine, I have taken it from google given that it seems that I have lost my album. I hope you find my post interesting and... What are you waiting to visit Oxford?

1 comentario:

Patricia Bou dijo...

Thank you, María. I haven't been there but I agree it's a must-see, so I'll cross my fingers and hope to visit Oxford soon.

Thanks, Patricia