jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Hi everybody!

In the last class we were talking about Frederick Douglass, a man who fought against the slavery and the racism, a symbol for the black race.
I asked Patricia if there was any film about his life as I think he is a really interesting person, a symbol for many people and a fighter for the freedom, the human rights and the equality.
I have looked for films about his life and I have found out that there are several documentary films, the latest one is called "Frederick Douglass and the White Negro"(2008) by John J Doherty.
I have found the trailer of this documentary film:

By the way I have found an entire documentary about F.Douglass, I adjunct it and hope you like it.                                                                                                                                                          


1 comentario:

Patricia Bou dijo...

Thank you, Borja. This is great! I added the label "Films" which we can all use from now on!
